well this morning was ... Back plate day......thought Id try
@Kendo's theory of cutting the back plate and wrapping it round the hub... so here goes !!
first after a couple of tries I realised I was just going to destroy the paintwork, so stopped and taped up the cut edges
I tried being delicate, try to avoid any scratches, but unless you wrap the plate in foam, it's near on impossible. Managed to open it up enough, to sit over the hub an then you have to commit with a little shove
and just like that... it's on !!
I found that a 10kg tub of pothole repair tarmac a great counterweight for the Arm.. other options are of course available
I did incur some "
battle damage" but that was inevitable and only requires a touch up with the Hammerite...and I need to give the hub another light coat of stone chip
BUT.... it's on !.. and certainly easier that replacing the whole hub
Now for the slit ?... I might try a light layer of JB weld maybe ... don't know yet....
I tried putting on the handbrake support bracket but it wouldn't go in..... turned out to be the thickness of the Hammerite paint
so ground it off, made sure the hole in the hub was also clear of paint and it slid right in, put in the zinced back plate bolts and voila...
just need to rinse and repeat on the left Trailing arm... in the meantime, the Octavia VRS needs an MoT so my motivation might need to be diverted onto that !